Originally posted at: http://www.teamfortress.tv/31176/publiclir-se-finalise-roster
Publiclir.se started with a full roster at DreamHack Winter, where members of their team enjoyed playing with each other and decided to play further online with a view towards GA. Initially only ondkaja and Herr_P were unable to play due to schedule difficulties, but this roster became increasingly altered as Season 23 drew closer.
Serotone was the first to be added to the roster on the medic role. He is a medic who has synergy with pocket AMS from days in TLR, where both players have top level Premiership experience and LAN experience at i55.
It was after this pickup that the team began to radically change however. Sources close to the team suggest they were not content with the ability of their roamer Nation, and fundamentally disagreed on playstyles, leading to him being cut from the team. Shortly afterwards, AMS and Serotone allegedly decided they were not content with Dennia's playstyle and so the Swedish scout was removed from the roster as well.
This left Publiclir.se with half of a roster and only two original players. A range of players were spotted trialling for the team, and during the ETF2L Pre-season 23 Cup they used a trial roster. This roster was reasonably successful, making it to the Final where they were beaten by Planet Express. On the back of this, the team decided to pick up those players.
The new scout combo sees fl1p, last spotted a year ago playing in 4th place S20 Awsomniac, paired with Atomic. This will be the first time Atomic has been seen outside of a Russian team on scout in Premiership, though he has demonstrated he can call and function in an international team.
Medico is the last addition to the roster, filling in the roamer slot. He has previously been making a name for himself on pocket in Top5 Rocket, and reportedly the team will be experimenting with rotating the soldiers to find the best fit.
Team co-captain Smirre gave us his thoughts on the team's new roster:
We've confirmed our roster with these players for Season 23. fl1p and atomic played well in the cup and atomic has good calls. Salmon didn't perform as well as we wanted on roamer, and we're gonna try around what works best in the roamer/pocket department. We are ok with the end result in the cup, it was our first day with a full roster, and we're aiming top 3 in Premiership this season. At least that's what we want!
The roster for Publiclir.se is:
- Scout: fl1p
- Scout: Atomic
- Roamer: Medico
- Pocket: AMS
- Demoman: Smirre
- Medic: Serotone
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