Tuesday, 20 October 2015

DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by Marketplace.tf & esportunited

Yes, you heard correctly! A four-team invitational TF2 tournament will be taking place at DreamHack Winter in Jonkoping, Sweden on November 27-28. Read on for all the details you need to spectate this brand new TF2 LAN playing host to a clash of the European titans!
DreamHack is one of the biggest names in esports, with events happening all over the globe and throughout the year. DreamHack is the worlds largest digital festival, the "indisputable largest LAN party in the world with over 26,000 visitors, 22,483 unique devices in the network and close to 10,000 visitors who enjoy DreamHack with their own computer". In 2013 TF2 was represented by the Swedish gamers from Saints who played in the Exhibition area challenging visitors to MGE matches for prizes. We've attempted to up the ante slightly from last year, and are going to be running a four-team invitational tournament, produced by teamfortresstv (with a fantastic helping hand from Saloon.tf) with on-site coverage and a sizeable $4,000 prizepool courtesy ofMarketplace.tf!


Teams will play a double-elimination bracket over the course of Friday and Saturday to determine the ultimate champion of European TF2. LAN is all that matters! Forget your ETF2L online finals, and petty scrim ELO. This is where the real men battle, face to face with the enemy, shoulder to shoulder with your team.

Invite Group

The following teams will be participating in the invite bracket:
  •  Epsilon eSports
  •  Reason Gaming
  •  LEGO
  •  Saints
The teams will play a full best-of-three double-elimination bracket. The event will kick off on Friday, November 27th at 16CET, with teams banning and picking maps throughout. The ruleset will be ETF2L Season 22 rules, perhaps with some spicy small changes depending on how devilish I feel! Map pool, precise schedule and rosters will be announced in a follow-up article, with a teaser video to get you hyped!
The $4,000 (~33,000 SEK) prizepot from Marketplace.tf - will be disbursed to the winning teams as follows:
  1. $1,750
  2. $1,000
  3. $750
  4. $500


We're on the ground in the Exhibition area at DreamHack in Jonkoping with a teamfortress.tv crew sponsored by Saloon.tf to bring you live coverage. Check the website and our media outlets for content and updates:
Casting veterans will be appearing alongside LAN media veterans and production members to deliver all of the action straight to your screens. The full breakdown of staff will be provided at a later date, but rest assured that this event will be covered to the classic teamfortresstv high standards. We had an opportunity to get a foot in the door of DreamHack by hosting a full LAN tournament in their exhibition area and hopefully turn a few heads, but teamfortresstv have decided to boot the door down and make a damn flashy entrance!


Hyped yet? Make some noise on twitter with the hashtag #dhwtf2 and get ready to witness what promises to be the beginning of a fantastic TF2 DreamHack story. One day we'll be up there with a Valve league, official DH LAN circuit, TI5 prizepool and salaried players! All you have to do is Dream...(Hack).

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